Italy expresses interest in business

Pakistan is one of the best countries around the globe and the picture being painted about it has nothing to do with reality, said Italian businessman Massimiliano Pasqualini. Addressing a gathering at the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), he said Pakistan has a bright future and is the best destination for doing business. [...]

By |2018-10-29T13:52:27+00:00October 29th, 2018|Governments, Import/Export, Taxes, Trade|0 Comments

Rupee devaluation to have positive impact on economy, Senate body told

The Senate Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue, and Economic Affairs was informed on Tuesday that devaluation of Pak rupee would help boosting the country’s foreign exchange reserves with the increase in country’s exports and foreign remittances, and decline in imports, and current account deficit. “Although positive consequence have started surfacing due to the devaluation of [...]

By |2018-10-29T13:26:28+00:00October 29th, 2018|Import/Export, International, Taxes|0 Comments